Ilmy Notes

Dua of Intention by Imam Hadad

Grand Imam Hadam, raheemAllah, encouraged students to read the following dua before studying.

Fiqh - Faqih versus Taqi

Level 3 of our Madrassah 'Ghazali' course was to introduce teenage students to Imam Abu Hanifa's Madhab.

We compiled a workbook based on Imam Quduri's Mukhtasar, as pictured. Since we finished teaching in 2015, we thought we'd share a few of our lessons. Yayy, Fiqh!

Diptotes in Arabic (اَلْمَمْنُوعُ مِنَ الصَّرْفِ)

Diptotes are not that scary. They consist of a few rules about how their case ending changes - which means their I`raab - and groups of words which follow these rules. Understand the rules and you can spot a diptote from a mile.

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