Ilmy Notes

Imam Ghazali: 99 Beautiful Names of God [Introduction]

15th August 2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Imam Ghazali: 99 Beautiful Names of God [Introduction]
Who was Imam Al-Ghazali?

Every century Allah (swt) gave us a Reviver of our Deen, as through time mankind begins to lose its way and forget about Allah. Imam Al-Ghazali was the reviver of the 12th Century and had such an impact on the world, even today millions of Muslims and non-Muslims are inspired by his teachings. His focus was Tassawuf and bringing Muslims back to the true love and worship of Allah (swt). His full name is Abū Ḥāmid Muammad ibn Muammad al-Ghazālī (c. 1058–1111).

Introduction to 99 Names of Allah (سبحانه و تعالى)

These names ‘Asma’ are Allah’s  Siffat; His qualities and attributes as they describe Allah. We are forbidden to assign names to Prophet Muhammad  () other than the 99 he has himself
 taught us, and so we are also forbidden from assigning names to Allah except the ones He Allah ta’alla has assigned to himself.

Allah is Our Creator and Maker and our Lord, ‘Rabb’, so as his obedient servants we need to learn who Allah is. We can know Allah through his names, in the Quran and in Ahadith of the Prophet ().
Allah recognizes the needs of his creation. We are always in need of Him swt and we can turn to him by calling on Him through His names. We are all in need of help and guidance, and we cannot guide ourselves. Allah has the cure for all our problems. E.g. if we need gentleness Allah is Al-Lateef, if we need protection, Allah is Al-Hafidh.

“And to Allah belong the best names, so call Him by them.” [Qur’an, 7:180]
“Whoever humbles himself to God, Allah will raise him.” [Muslim]  
Prophet Muhammad () said ‘Allah has 99 names, 100 minus one, single, He loves odd numbers and whoever enumerates will enter paradise’

When you name another person a child, servant etc. you have power or authority over them and give them names of your choice. Nothing has authority over Allah nor is there anything more powerful than Allah, thus we do not give Allah names other than the names he has ascribed to himself through the Holy Qur’an. The Prophet () himself compiled the names in order to teach them to others and pass this tradition on.

Allah has more than 99 names, Prophet Muhammad has taught us that Allah mentioned some names to us in the Holy Qur’an and others through Ahadith. And some of Allah’s names are hidden. Allah’s greatest name [Al-Ism Al-Azam] is hidden, only some prophets and holy men knew this name. Prophet Muhammad compiled these 99 names and did so in order to teach others. The most important belief in Iman Muffasal is Iman Billah; belief in Allah. How can a Muslim have belief in something he does not know or understand? How can a Muslim love and worship he does not have knowledge of? For this reason it is important to learn about Allah. And the best way to learn about Allah is through his names. 


  1. nice post frnd i like artical thanks for the artical

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