Ilmy Notes

Manners Lessons

Manners Lessons with Ustadha Sharifa

These are notes I made from lessons with a very pious and God-fearing teacher who taught  us for 2 weeks. Through this short period of time I  met her, I thought she was the closest thing to a Wali of Allah or Sufi I had met in person. I barely knew her.... But the reason I mention her is because she was different. In a good way. In an awe striking away.

Only after I left her presence I realised that because of the emptiness and sadness I felt. It was because she reminded us of Allah and his Messnger (sw). And few people do that. She didn't talk unnecessarily, nor did she complain or backbite or waste her time. She would always be doing dhikr and would be the first to start her salaah and last to finish. She exuded piety and emanated modesty beautifully.

Before beginning any religious study the first thing we must acquire is 'adab' respect, consideration and appreciation for the divine knowledge we are about to gain. It is extremley important to have 
three As of learning Adab, adab and adab. 


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